Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Hi All!!!!

Christmas was wonderful. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday also. We accomplished quite a bit around the house. And I, for one, am very happy the holidays are over.

We did hear from the hospital that the donor is very interested in meeting us but I have not heard anything from the donor yet. We are hoping for a much calmer year this go around and for the kids to enjoy it.

Gabe and Ethan are doing wonderful at school and Dani is above her age level in skills. Her next appointments are not until March but we are going to start looking into Daycare for her. She needs to be around other children and both Grandma's have done far above what is expected from them. I am hoping to hold it off until she has at least her first immunization shots but we will see.

I hope everyone has a wonderful year!!!!

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