Friday, June 01, 2007

Day +204

Thursday's MRI went well. It was not the funniest time either I or Dani have had but it could of been worse. Dani was a trooper and never griped about not eating. The worst part for me was walking into the MRI room and her being happy as a lark about sitting on the table in the bright light and then watching her eyes roll back in her head after they gave her the drugs. I really would prefer not going through that again but if it helps her to be comfortable than I will of course.

WBC 5.8
Hemoglobin 14.5
Platlets 373
ANC 4466
Weight 29 lbs 1 oz
Height 33 inches
Retic 1.44

Her numbers were awesome this morning. She got her IVIG so that hopefully will help her WBC go up. She does not have to go back to clinic for 4 weeks. We are very excited. We just have to go to the local Quest labs to give blood on Fridays. She did well today for not having a nap and all.

We saw the eye doctor and they are scheduling the muscle correction surgery now. We are hoping to get this surgery and fixing the hole in her heart at the same time. We shall see. We go back to the cardiologist next Friday. They will measure her eyes while she is under and figure out exactly what she needs for the Lens Inplant surgery.

The videos below are her tap dancing and her telling you what a Cow says. She just learned that yesterday while waiting at the hospital.

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