Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Dani's Appts 10/10/06

Well up till a half hour ago I was going to report all went well and relatively smoothly. We got there at 8:30 and left about 1:30. They did test on her kidneys to make sure they are functioning correctly. They gave her a dose of radioactive iodine (less than an x-ray) and drew blood in different intervals. Then they took sinus, chest, and hip x-rays. She behaved wonderfully except when they were holding her head down and shining a bright light in her eyes to get the sinus xrays but who can blame her for that?

The peditrician called a half hour ago and said that Dani has hip dysplasia and other stuff. She faxed me the report and it says:

Pelvis: There is marked dysplasia of the acetabuli bilaterally. There is severe bilateral coax valga. There is mild flaring of the iliac wings.

Update before I even posted this ... She is going to see the Ortho doctor next Wednesday when she is admitted. He will come by her room. Also the hospital just called and are emergency scheduling an MRI at some point before Wednesday ... where is that gonna fit in? AND I have to meet with both of the boys teachers for conferences on Monday after the Eye Doctor appts....

We did learn today that another little girl right about the same age is going to be getting her transplant at the same time. She has anemia. So we will have company and be able to compare progress. Her name is Jennifer. As I learn more about her I will let you know. And dates are final so she WILL be getting her transplant on the 9th of Nov.

We are trying our best to keep a positive attitude and doing pretty well at it I think but it just seems like it is one thing after another and it seems that there is no end in sight. grrrrr Just again want to thank you all for all your support, prayers, and thoughts. It has amazed us over and over again and we are so thankful for it. Words are not enough to express how we feel.

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